Worlds we never knew

OOC: sorry for the shortness.

Look at the red red changes in the sky
Look at the separation in the border line

O-of course you do, Daisuke. Thank you... her words were so shaken up, and from her eyes came tears. But her maw held a smile. A true smile on her lips. He did not understand the complex feeling she was having at the moment, and he probably never would. The reason for that being that he was a male, and that he did not understand the whole being raped unwillingly thing. I mean, he had been raped, right when he came here actually, but he didn't understand that he was being raped. It didn't feel like it was a bad thing. So, he could never understand what she was going through as far as those feelings go. The male cocked his head, pierced audits tilting towards her, and a confused look appearing on his maw. Don't be sad Miss Alaine. the male spoke gently to the female and nodded his head.

Thank you, You've no idea how much that means to me and my son, Dai. she spoke after her tears had stopped. Again he cocked his head, her hand cupping his cheek. His tail wagged gently behind him, and he let a content whine escape from his maw. A smile rested on his maw as well. You're very welcome Lady Alaine. the male spoke, nodding his head again. It's my pleasure! I mean, who wouldn't want to do anything to help out a beautiful woman and her cute little son?! the boy asked, rhetorical really. He looked at the feo, ocean colliding with not sand, but the grassy plains. He held a smile. Miss Alaine... Find me a shell. Pick your favorite one that you find on the beach, and give it to me, and I'll make you something. Pick one for Caillen too. Or have him pick one, and give it to me next time you see me. Okay? the male asked, what he was to do with these shells is what he had done for Snake. He would make a necklace out of twine, though it would be different in color, length and design than Snake's was obviously.

The Name's Daisuke Ghanjai/Urahazu. You are? Only a genius works in coexistence with their mind and now I dance away, singing a tune that only I can hear.

But don't look at everything here inside
And be afraid, afraid to speak your mind!


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