cramming the world into a (phrase)

indent He couldn’t look at him. He wanted to, he wanted desperately to look into that stranger’s eyes and see familiarity. He wanted to believe that there was still something of Laruku in there, but even now, he wasn’t so sure. It was a terrible thing to be caught in, the squirrel cage of self. Not like he had any room to talk, of course; his existentialist crisis was far from over.
“There’s always a reason,” he said lowly, careful of his tone.
indent Another drag on the cigarette, another gust of wind to chase the smoke away.
“All action is driven by purpose, even if we don’t want to admit it.” For a long time, he remained silent. Finally, after curling his right hand hard enough to bleed, he spoke again.
“I don’t remember raping Aiji. I could tell you why, though.” It had made sense, a long time ago, when he was mad with the quest for power and the dreams of a reckless, foolish, exiled prince.


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