a guilty mind needs to confess
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/rikka_table.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:330px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">

   Sometimes Rikka couldn't help but wander if it were their hybrid blood that made them all so drastically different from one another. It was certainly a puzzle. They had all been born together, had the same parents, and yet none of them was all that similar to another. It must have been their personal experiences that had shaped them so variably. Gabriel had seen true horrors, she knew this, and it explained his hard demeanor. If she had experienced similar things she might have reacted in the same manner. She had always been a soft and gentle spirit though and couldn't help but wonder where she had gotten it. It hadn't been from either parent.

   At her approach immediately he went on the defensive and tried to hide whatever it was he had. Rikka tensed, afraid that an assault of angry words might fly at her at any moment. She was ready to take off, but surprisingly he eased and allowed her to see the empty piece of paper. The surprises didn't stop there. Gabriel was drawing? The woman wouldn't have thought her sibling would indulge in such artistic endeavors. It was a welcome surprise though, because it gave them something to connect on that she wouldn't have guessed. Her eyes moved to the discarded, crumpled up sheet. "May I?" she questioned, pointing to it. She wanted to see what kind of talent he possessed, even if he thought it unworthy.


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