Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin'

     No worries! School gobbled me up as well. Thank you :3 Alli made it! 300+

     She hadn't told her children a lot about the gods of the Roman world, but maybe now was the right time to start if they wanted to listen. Some of the stories were a little mature in nature and she didn't want to expose them to such things early. They were rapidly growing up though, and perhaps such stories would not only keep them connected to their youth but also help their imaginations continue to grow. Imagination was a very important thing to have. She doubted that her son lacked any, but she imagined that the stories would be quite entertaining to him. Maybe when they wandered away from the topic of rain she could tell him about the other gods. Like Neptune, Pluto, Apollo, Diana, Mars, Minerva, and all the rest.

     Savina watched patiently as Gotham formulated his own ideas, anxious to see what her boy would come up with. It would be clever she knew, for he was a clever young wolf. She supposed it would only be expected though, considering both of his parents held the co-rank of teacher. Kansas was the more apt tutor, however. The only thing she was really good at teaching was Italian and that had been easy for the pups since they had spoken an equal amount of both languages around them. Her mate had a wealth of stories to read to their pups, and she knew that their intelligence could be partially attributed to that.

     She grinned down at Gotham widely with his fantastic explanation of the rain. "What a great reason! That would definitely explain it. Maybe the monster is a big dragon, bigger than all of Nova Scotia, and that's why it rains all over the place. When it gets rid of the water and can fly faster that's what makes the wind." The woman had never thought of doing this before, but it was a lot of fun! The two of them could build a wonderful fable about the rain monster together.


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