M - Who would ever want to hurt you?
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... dreams.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Everything blurred out as the change danced through her on feet of ecstasy. She held on to it – wanted to be utterly consumed forever, but the large wave decreased in strength and only left a lingering echo of her visit into oblivion. She was still far away from reality when suddenly a dark shadow from the past reappeared and inflicted devious pain so suddenly that her mind snapped out of its contented state and straight back to the gruesome reality. There was no time for her to writhe or protest as he pushed into her brutally. A gasp was released into the air so heavily soaked of sex and blood. The feeling of Samael pushing into her did not feel entirely wrong though – this despite the apparent lack of the tenderness he had showed her so vividly moments earlier. It hurt as he thrust roughly against her, but her innocence had already been broken, and her own fluids assisted the male as he took what he wanted from her. Her mind was clearer now – wanted to reawaken the mind numbing fear that had coursed so thickly through her before he had shattered her completely with his touch. Her ruby eyes had opened again to discover what her sensitive skin already had registered: his teeth dangerously close to her creamy throat again as he pushed against her. The hybrid panted slightly, trying to lose her self in bodily desires once again as the pain from his rough intrusion slowly faded and was replaced with a less direct feeling that she could classify as pleasurable.

Her body remained still for now though, for there was no desire within the girl to awaken the rage within the beast again so soon. He went on with his rough ride, and she was left in the gloom begging silently for her own life. His breath w as hot and needy against her creamy fur, but she was growing frightened again and did not want to bask in the pleasurable sensations that she could have investigated more in-depth had her mind not been so clear. It was with a shrill dancing along her spine that Samael Lykoi reached his climax. He pressed against her and went still for a few long moments. Her heart thumbed strongly against his chest, but her breath was nonexistent as she wondered if her life was saved. Did it matter though? Hadn’t he already destroyed her? The beast stirred and came back to life, and her gaze followed him as he pulled away and moved over to the pile of flesh that had bore the name Charon. Her lip shivered slightly as her ruby gaze moved up to the heavy sky above. Slowly, the girl’s arm pushed against the ground as she got up in a sitting position. Moving hurt her and when she let her fingers gently touch at the sore area between her legs they reappeared with fresh, crimson blood. Her fur was a bloody mess already, but that was not from her blood. She was uncertain whether or not this belonged to her or not, and refrained from drawing a conclusion.

Her gaze was carefully lowered as her face turned in the direction of the Lykoi psychopath. Could she not bear to meet his gaze any longer? What had he done to her? She wanted to wrap her arms around her slender flame and weep, but knew better than to deal with emotional problems in front of monsters. She touched her face; brushed the still damp lines from her shed tears. Shame was drawing closer. She had been weak – unable to wield that beautiful Lykoi madness and unable to fight back when Samael had come for her next. What had just been done could never be undone. Her over-sized ears hang miserably from her head and she no longer felt any song from her heart. A shivering breath was all that could be heard from the female as she evaded the male’s form and let her eyes go vacant. She felt numb and filthy. Yes; filthy. How was it possible? Earlier today she had been so happy and now she wondered if she ever would be able to find that same emotion again ever. With the noise of Samael ripping through wolf flesh haunting her ears, Halo closed her eyes.


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