the devils of truth steal the souls of the free
I suck at life, but you're on my LJ so I'm sure you know why. <3
    Ghosts, Gabriel understood. He knew nothing of the culture she had come from, nor her will to be controlled. No part of his body would obey such a thing—certainly not now, after he had carried Inferni’s helm for over two years. The coy-wolf studied her face, that peculiar metal in her nose, and watched as she told him a half-truth. Viciously, and with a certain knowing, his eyes narrowed.
    “That so?” He asked, not expecting a response. With a grunt, the burly male shook his neck, finding it stiff with tension. Dark claws clicked against the stone floor, a sound that seemed so loud and out of place it perturbed him. “You’re fine, then?” This time, his focus turned piercing, waiting for her to answer. She was certainly afraid, though he reasoned that this was in part due to his own demeanor and appearance.

table by alli


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