This Is The Life On Mars


Kansas's face was blank for a moment when he saw his friend's surprised expression. Again he thought about how young he was and the age of his children; they were almost a year old, and he was barely over two! He couldn't get out of his mind how strange this seemed. He must look that young, too, from the surprise he saw on Cotl's face. He understood the oddity of this, but didn't understand why he understood it so well. It was weird how things were so clear and yet so unclear to him in his present condition. He didn't know what to make of it exactly, so he simply laughed.

Cotl grabbed the mask and the lighter, babbling about where he'd gotten the weed. The entire structure of the sentence Cotl spoke completely disturbed Kansas into a fit of laughter, so severely that his eyes watered. "Pfff, 'vagina'..." All his immaturity flared, so that the very notion that his companion had said "vagina" seemed obscenely funny. Wow, Cotl was just a funny guy. Kansas felt so free with him, like whatever he said didn't matter. The weed was probably helping with that, too.

Cotl cracked up in the midst of lighting himself another bowl. How could he take so much? Kansas was pretty ripped at the moment, and figured he'd pass out if he had any more. He blinked and shook his head just as the coyote-medley of a canine answered his question about Ember. Kansas had lost track of that thought, but it came back. Cotl's words seemed like they should be wrong, and should be something Kansas got upset about. "Did you seriously jusssst talk about screwing my sister? Aha, clever," he grinned a messed-up grin, wondering if what he'd just said made sense. Another thing occured to him. That story he'd wanted to tell. "Ha, I screwed my sister. Well, adopted... adoptive... whatever, sister. Her name's Naniko. We got drunk and I fucked her. Bad idea... I think I had sex with a dude at the same time," Absently scratching his ear, Kansas spoke with ironic graveness. He still felt terrible about this, but since they were talking about sisters and whatnot, he figured it a valid, if not tragic, tale to tell. Yeah.


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