You're wasting all my time

Pretty awesome :ooo James likes. And mine is short :3 just got off work and going to go do laundry!

He seemed to be deep in thought. Some wolves were impatient and would expect an answer right away but Ember was not one of them. She considered his moments of thinking a very good thing, that he was going to consider things before he chose, one way or the other. Joining a pack or tribe wasn't something that one ought to do on a whim.

She poked at the fire, trying to get it to grow larger and hotter, and unstrapped the snowshoes from her feet. "The lands?" The green eyed wolf took a moment to contemplate this before sitting down again and offering her reply. "These lands are not the same ones that I was born at. Those burned down in a wildfire. I have joined and left many packs as they have come and disbanded, and this was the first one that felt right to me. It looks nothing like Storm, but it feels like it."


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