goodbye Horses, i'm flying over you.

likewise!! wrap up soon?

With their talk of the strength of the friendship Anu and Savina shared, Kansas was suddenly consciously aware that Anu may know some of the darker regions of his own history. Though he felt his chest clench as he looked upon his serene leader, he dismissed his troubled thoughts. If she was as genuine as he perceived, she would not hold his past behavior against him no matter how heinouse she believed it to be. She showed absolutely no signs of prejudice, and whether or not she knew about his former relationship with Naniko was irrelevant. He was still extremely grateful to her.

Anu's next words suprised him both because he had not expected to continue talking about Savina (though he was thrilled to do so), and because of what they suggested. Her sly smile tricked him, but he grinned innocently back. The idea of having a day or so completely alone with his raven girl was the best he'd heard in a long time. He sighed happily, icy eyes never leaving the female and now sparkling with even further amplified gratitude. "That's... a great idea. Thank you," he said in something like wonderment. "I mean, if you wouldn't... wouldn't mind having the pack to yourself for a bit." He didn't want to take advantage of... anything. He knew Anu would not mind, but asking seemed to be the courteous thing to do.


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