it's trouble and it's in our road
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    Larkspur’s paws had not crossed the border. He had stopped short, intent on finding his information without breaking a landmark he did not believe in (the Khalif had never explained borders to him beyond the rules he knew) and had only learned of such through Misery. He did not miss the tension in his chocolate companion’s body, and he did not doubt that very soon he would be faced with the same aggression he had come to expect. So, slowly, his large body began to tense—waiting for the coming blows.

    Only when Haku’s burly form placed itself before him did Larkspur move, taking two steps back. “Larkspur D’Angelo,” he answered, and focused his peculiar eyes on the man before him. “I only came to see what this place was,” he further explained. The scars along his forelegs shifted, runic letters and bizarre words that he alone understood, pulling tight as his muscles tensed and shifted his weight under him.

Table code and image © to Alaine


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