crawling i position myself below your broken wing.
Little power play, thwack me if you want me to change it. :]

Young Rachias was only just beginning to understand things about herself. Her love of holding small animals down to hear them scream was advancing ever so slowly. Larger animals screamed louder, a sound that brought her a greater rush of pleasure than the small ones. They also seemed to bleed a lot more, they were able to sustain more wounds and thus were able to live longer. In her runs of trial and error with the larger animals she had also come to discover her love of blood and flesh. It was different than eating to sustain her health, rather she seemed to indulge in it. However normal it could have seemed, soon enough it would blossom into something more.

It wasn't the sight nor the sound of her brother that let the girl know he was there, it was the faintest scent of coppery blood that caught her attention. She reached for the scent of, grabbing at the air with her nose in an almost frantic way, at least until her head turned enough to find her blue gaze resting on Samael. He was on her way toward her, which caused the girl to stop promptly in her tracks. Her eyes faltered away from his face though, trailing down the length of his arm and settling on his hand. She could see the sheen in the sun as the smallest droplet of blood clung to his finger and for a moment she simply stared.

It was his words that brought her back to attention, lifting her eyes to his face and allowing them to settle. "Oh Sammie." She practically cooed at him, curl her lips into the softest smile that she could imagine. "Aren't you happy to see your baby sister?" She cocked her head to the side slightly, hair falling into her eyes as she made a mock pouty face at him. "Besides, it looks like you need me anyways." She reached for his hand at that moment, taking it lightly in her own and bringing it to her face to examine it. "You're bleeding Sammie." She seemed concerned, furrowing her brows as she stared at him. Without a bit of hesitation, without even taking her eyes away from his, she slipped his finger into her mouth, cleaning away the blood with a tender stroke of her tongue. She knew how to play games now, too.


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