destroy to FEEL.
Oh, shit, I distinctly remember replying to this! I know I did, since I replied with "yeah, because Hybrid won't be able to last long! Viagra 4 Mr. Tough Guy, y/n?" or something like that! :|

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It was over just as quickly as it had began. Every time he saw Samael, it ended the same way, always with the smell of sex heavy in the air. Hybrid glanced over to where Samael was now, silently watching the other coyote as he spoke. His face was distorted with a mass of scars, as were his arms and body. Although Hybrid was not one much for pillow talk, mushy love stories, or heartfelt admissions, he thought Samael looked perfect. He twitched slightly as he felt Samael's tongue on his stomach, exhaling loudly. All Hybrid could do was feel, feel, feel, feel, and that was all Samael would allow him.

Feel, feel, feel, feel. Talk, talk, talk, talk.

"We should do something again sometime," Hybrid noted. He wondered if every encounter of theirs would leave him with a new scar or wound. He certainly hoped so. He grinned, wondering if he could make these visits a regular occurrence.


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