crawling i position myself below your broken wing.
xxxxxHe'd never truly needed to discover himself, for fate had managed to find him even before he was born. Even before the prophecy had been stated from his Father's lips to his Mother's ears; before Astaroth had come to Kaena and procreated himself and his siblings. Samael couldn't remember anything before his birth; before he'd opened his eyes to see his Mother's face, when he'd still been back in Hell, but this didn't bother him — after all, he could barely remember many things from this life anyway. But the Shadows told him what he needed to know, whispering things from the Darkness, and Kaena had raised him well, training him to be a killing machine and to embrace the destiny already laid out for him. Everything had come together when the One had come to him, bearing the appearance of a beautiful angel from on high, and teaching him the last things he needed to know — granting him darkness and lust unable to be sated by mere murder.
xxxxxHe was the Prince of Fear, who's fate it was to destroy the world and everyone in it. And it even seemed he'd taken over his sibling's destinies, perhaps in their abscence, for he was a Liar and a Whore, cheating to get what he wanted and taking what was his, reveling in the feeling of physical pleasure and pain inflicted on himself and others. When Rachias sensed his prescence it seemed she was looking for something beyond him, searching almost desperately through the air until she turned and saw him. He smiled at her words, a smirk born by a thought invoked by her actions. He allowed Rachias to take his hand into her own and examine the wound inflicted by his knife. It was amusing to think she, or anyone alive, thought he needed help, especially with cuts and bleeding with his own affinity for self-mutilation. But Samael didn't fight her concern, whether it was honestly genuine or not — he was used to the lies of devils and demons, and it seemed Rachias wasn't so pure after all. He hadn't helped notice the interest she'd shown at the sight of blood, no matter how small.
xxxxxBut even he was suprised by her next actions, as she drew his finger into her mouth and licked away the blood with a stroke of her tongue. Fangs bared in the ghost of a grin, he watched her now with a new interest, curious about what his little sister had become, and was yet to grow into.

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