trasnluscent flesh and feeble bones


####Prowling amongst the ruins of the human civilization, Lolita knew that his scent would be there, somewhere. If she was lucky, she might be able to trail his scent to wherever it was that the bastard was living. Her attack on the coyote from Inferni, so long ago, had done nothing to satisfy her thirst for blood and revenge. Why should it have helped, though? The only blood she sought would be spilled from either her brother or her uncle, and though she knew her brother was miles away, very likely gloating over her death still, the wretched being that was her uncle was around here somewhere. It had been months since she had last caught his scent, acrid and disgusting to her mind, but the Dahlian was certain that he was still here. It seemed like there was no other option, and that this would be her only opportunity to kill him and cause him the pain that he had only intensified for her. There was no way that this opportunity would possibly be taken from her, and if it was the only one she would ever get, then she knew that she would need to act sooner, rather than later.

####So far, there was nothing, and the deranged woman was slowly growing angry and disheartened by the lack of a trail. . . And then, as if by magic, it was there. For the first time since her death, a light came into her eyes as if she held life within her very grasp. Heart accelerating, she nearly cackled with delight as she followed it, the strength of the trail so great that she knew he was still going to be there when she got to him, but he would never be able to leave. Certainly, she could make sure of that, even if he was a trained fighter and she had very little experience. Still, as with the fight with the coyote, Lolita would have the fire in her emotions and her hatred to drive her forward. There was no way that her uncle could possibly survive what she was going to put him through, and the very thought of that only made her smile in a way that seemed as though she was off to pick flowers, rather than shed blood in a way that would turn her entire body the same color as her flamboyant hair and tattoo. It was almost like fate.

####As she came closer still to the house he was looking through, Lolita ran her fingers through her tangled hair, mood now calm with an unmistakable, underlying charge of excitement. Entering the small house, she scoffed at the furnishings, but found the color scheme choice very intriguing. It was as if she belonged here, and that this place had been destined for her to kill her uncle here. The rooms she checked first were empty, but as she entered the former bedroom, Lolita grinned slyly. “Hello, uncle,” she purred, emerald eyes searching his back for some form of reaction.


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