trasnluscent flesh and feeble bones

500+ words.

####So engrossed in what he was looking at, Vigilante did not notice that he was no longer alone in the house as his niece was prowling the different rooms. If he had noticed he was no alone, anyway, he likely would not have considered this a bad thing. The house did not have the smell of someone living here, so he was certain that he was not traipsing into anyone’s living quarters. It was simply an old house, dusty and covered in cobwebs from the years of being empty. If he met anyone, surely it would be a positive meeting, as he had met many interesting people in various human dwellings. On one of his more recent trips to the city (and he realized it had been months ago), he had met the lovely and interesting Finn. Now that she was a member of his pack, he had yet to meet with her again, and he would make it a point to do so soon. She had been a very interesting creature, and their conversation had been one that he had enjoyed. Her presence again would certainly be welcome. Among others that he had met near old human buildings had been Heath, a member of his own pack already, even. Soon, he would need to speak with him again, as well. The stallion and he had become closer, and he was still nervous about the idea of actually riding the beast, but he found the idea intriguing. It was something to think about, regardless.

####As the words from behind him reached his ears, Vigilante dropped his hand quickly, the fur on the back of his neck rising instantly. It had been nearly a year since he had seen his nieces and nephew at all, and the tone of her voice was obviously not positive. Was it terrible of him that he did not even know which of his nieces it was that had seemed to find him in such an unhappy state? None of them would be happy about what he had done all those months ago, but he was sure that the woman speaking to him now was more than simply angry. Slowly, he turned, jade eyes settling on a pair of eyes that startlingly resembled his. The rest of her appearance was taken in very slowly: the cream colored fur was the most notable, although the shocking red of her mane and tattoo were noticeable, as well. Simply put, the only recognizable features were her eyes and the shade of her fur. “Lolita,” he breathed, recognizing her at last. Of the four of his sister’s children, she was the one he had expected the least. Pello had been angry and violent, and he was likely to come. Rashelle, always so good at taking orders from her brother, would have followed. Pippa was sweet, but she had been passionate, and if she had been angry or hurt enough, Vigilante would have expected her to come. Lolita had been so quiet and different, and seeing her took him by surprise.


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