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The male gave a nod, yes a game. An old fashion drinking game, where the winner was the one that was the drunkest at the end of the night, the loser had to make sure the winner didn't pass out from the alcohol going though there body. the black male reached down and pulled out a small snot glass, and placed it on the bar and picked up the cork that had came out of the bottle. With a smile the male toss the fair colored male the cork,"Now try to toss it into the glass, you hit it, I take a drink, you miss it you take a drink, and vice versa. Any questions?"

Lucifer wasn't sure how well this game was going to go, but heck if he would teach this boy any thing it would be how to drink like there was nothing to live for. Lucifer had master that one art at a young age. Resting his arms on the bar as he watched the male, looking at the bottle, he couldn't wait to drink this boy under the table.

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