More than we bargained for
Let's get the ball rolling shall we Melissa? Although I think I took too much creative liberty with the knowledge that this isn't real. XD

The air changed as Ty felt his eyes snap open, what was once the calm peaceful cabin he was sleeping in was no more, he was now apparently on an island, or, should he say a land mass, he didn't really know what he was on. His body slowly rose to his feet as he began to get his bearings and actually observe his surroundings. He saw in front of him a giant round building, one he did not recognize, but the rest of the world seemed blanketed by a thick fog, blinding Ty from the rest of the world so he could only see this building in front of him. Although the air looked cold, Ty did not feel it, the air felt warm, dry, tranquil, contrary to how it looked, which only baffled Ty even more as he observed this strange location. All he could see was the path before him to this great building, the gates gaping open like the maw of a great beast waiting to swallow him whole. Where exactly was he? Why was he here? Ty did not know, and at this point, he did not care to know how he got here. He could only think to go to the building and see if he could ask anyone there about where he was. With a soft sigh and a shrug, he plodded towards the building, and into the gaping jaws that was the gate, after all, it seemed like the only structure around, everything else was laced with fog.

However, when Ty got into the building, all he saw was a fighting ring, a ring so large and majestic it made his jaw drop slightly in amazement, the seats lined up to the sky for all he knew, he could not see many rows past the fog, but he did see many many rows of seats all lining around the area. On the ground he could see bits of blood splatter, bones, broken weapons and armor, and bullet casings. This only rose Ty's suspicion as to where he was and how he got here, which was also confirmed when he heard the large gates close behind him. He swerved and ran back to the gates, attempting to pull them open with his teeth or push them open with his body, but it was too late, they were locked shut and binded to trap him in here, this was a trap. Now he could begin to hear the roar of a crowd, but to Ty's confusion he could see nobody there on the stands, and yet there was the sound of cheering for him. He could hear their echoes throughout the arena, but his eyes must have been playing tricks on him, for he saw nobody there but himself and the flies jumping around the carcass.

Eventually Ty heard a voice, a voice that sounded like no other that he knew of, but one that echoed across the arena like it was being amplified. "Ladies and gentlemen!" The voice bellowed to the invisible screaming crowd. The voice made Ty jump and look around in confusion and panic, was he really hearing these voices? Or were these all just figments of his imagination? Although inside Ty was panicking as all hell, he had been trained to try and keep composure when faced with even the most intimidating of situations, which this sure would top any of his past experiences. He tried to remain unintimitaded or unphased by what was going on, but it was so surreal that he couldn't help but look around in a bit of anxiety.

The mystery voice continued through his confusion "Welcome to one of the greatest matches of the century! I hope you all brought some umbrellas because today it's going to RAIN blood!" The crowd then shrieked in response, to which Ty could still not see, but certainly hear. "Today, we have a match with a young but talented fighter against a monster of the battlefield! Let me introduce to you the combatants. First! Although he is young, do not underestimate this wolf! Without a childhood or a sense of decency this wolf was brought up by mercenary wolves to be a deadly weapon of destruction, making him one of the youngest contenders to enter this ring! But don't judge him by his age of one and a half years, this kiddo has at least 8 confirmed kills of other wolves under his belt! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Ty...Trenton...NASPRIIIITEEEE!!!!!"

The crowd then cheered in response to his name being called, but all Ty could think of was how, how did this mystery voice know what his life was like? How did it know his upbringing? Why did they know so much about him? That's when he realized he was about to meet his opponent, and he could only shudder and look on in anticipation to who he was going to fight, if he was the 'young talent' they spoke of, the 'monster of combat' was going to be someone who would definitely give him a run for his money. But who would it be?

The mystery voice answered his question with dramatic flair. "And now ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you a veteran that has proved himself time and time again that he is and will always be top dog. A gargantuan of a wolf, he was raised by his similarly large father in a small Valley, but grew into the massive giant he is today. Through many fights and many different experiences this living legend has shown that size really DOES matter, even reaching the coveted rank of Sensei in the land of Crimson Dreams, a true honor in the pack, and a sign for just how good at fighting this wolf is, not that you have to be when you're the size of a bear...Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you, the amazing the behemoth, the titan, Jazper...Rhiannon....KNIIIGGGGHHHHTTT!!!!"

Crimson Dreams? Ty knew of that place, it wasn't that far from Phoenix valley, and there was a powerful fighter there? Ty had no idea, but now that he would have to fight this wolf confused Ty. Amongst the shrieks, cheers, and other noises of encouragement Ty could tell that whoever Jazper was, he was the favorite of this invisible crowd. He could only look on as some of the fog cleared away, beginning to reveal his opponent.


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