Is there an answer?
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He could see where having to take care of a pup that took after their King would be quite the task that could drive the most patient of canines bonkers. He couldn't help but wonder how many heart attacks he had given his mothers. He hadn't been disobedient, but he had done many things that he probably shouldn't have. "That probably has more to do with her father than anything else. I can imagine any pup of Jac's that would take after him would be more than a handful. Whenever you have your own pups it'll be different, they tend to take after their parents so I imagine any kid of your's won't be as hard to handle. Besides, if Jontae got away with a lot before she came here then I'm sure she's going to keep trying to get away with as much as she can now. Not all pups will be that way." Haven could understand her concerns, but to him they seemed unfounded. He had no doubt that Ruri would be an excellent mother and caretaker. She already did such a great job of taking care of all of them.

It relieved the Knight that Ruri wasn't asking any specifics about how the two met. The last thing he wanted was to have to tell her that he had pulled a Jacquez and gotten drunk with her and slept with her. He supposed lying could have been an option, but he didn't want to lie to Ruri. Haven just didn't want her thinking of him in that light. It wasn't who he was, it had been a slip-up, and the fewer that knew about it the better. "Yeah it is, for sure. Thanks Ruri, I hope so too." The biggest hurdle, if things started getting really serious, was what they were going to do about their living situations, but he figured that they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

He was a little surprised that she asked about his horse, but it made sense. Ruri was in love with the Marshall, after all. "Yes, it's Drogon. He's doing well, thanks. It's funny, I haven't had him for all that long but already I can't imagine not having him around." The stallion had become a very big part of his life and daily routine. "Has Heath found a horse for you at all?" It would be hard for her to ride one without assistance, but it was something he could see his friend doing.


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