a fear i cannot shape

When was Sofi still around? :o I am bad with timespans... ~3 weeks ago? D: Also, your title needs fixed, I think... >>;

The preceding months had been filled with a rather severe amount of trauma for the silver-furred hybrid, and it was difficult for her to consider that it had been two months since she'd been subjected to Haku Soul's whim. Over those two months she'd lost herself, drowning herself in liquor and making a fool of herself in front of the children and everyone. There were foggy, fading memories of twirling around a fire, dancing and howling to the moon for all she was worth, childlike and completely oblivious to that which plagued her. Haku Soul had wrecked havoc on Kaena's life and routine, and it had been some weeks since she'd considered Sofia. Now, the silver-furred coyote was breaking through that hardened shell she'd erected around herself, branching out again, and it was on this rather rainy afternoon that the hybrid headed for the other canine's cave. The silver-furred Centurion had seen little of the wolfish Sofia, and a sudden fear had struck her. Kae had known she was ill; the silver-furred coyote had neglected part of her duty in neglecting to care for this member of the clan.

A strange sense of urgency pushed her onward quickly, her steps picking up into the tell-tale coyote trot the hybrid had so painstakingly adopted from the members of the Darklands Clan in her youth. It was natural to her now, but even so she found herself slipping into a wolfish sort of trot now and again, though such instances were generally corrected after only a few moments. The hybrid rounded a bend of rocks and came upon the entrance of the other's dwelling, inhaling the thick scent of Sofia wafting from the opening of the cave. It was evident to Kaena that the other canine had not left in some time, nor ventured far from this spot, and that was worrisome, to say the least. The hybrid didn't know the exact specifics of the other canine's ticking time bomb, but in bringing her into Inferni Kaena had believed she was granting the other canine some sort of longevity. That hope had melted into fear, and the hybrid strained to listen at the entrance of the cave, jumping forward at the first detectable sound of a labored breath.

At once a sour sense of disappointment and failure flooded the hybrid upon seeing the other canine, clearly in pain and in an extremely awkward position, perhaps on her dying throes. The coyote swept toward the other canine's side, drawing her muzzle instinctively to the other's neck, a gesture that might have looked to a human an attempt to read her pulse. In Kaena's case, it was a simple, motherly instinct to comfort a creature she could do nothing for anymore. She was too late; if she had not been so goddamn obsessed with her own problems that she'd brought on her sorry self this might not have happened. Some faint logic in Kaena screamed that this scene was unavoidable no matter what, that there was not a thing the monochrome coyote could have done anyway—she was not a medic, she could not have possibly prevented Sofia's death. All that was left was to be here at the end, if that even meant anything anymore.

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