crawling i position myself below your broken wing.
xxxxxMadness was something that ran in all their blood. Twisted creatures that'd make the devil proud, abandoning all hopes for salvation. From both their mother and father; even for little Rachias, who's father Samael had encountered only twice, yet knew was just as mad as the rest of them. He'd shown enough of an interest in killing and fucking to entertain the boy long enough to cure the boredom and thoughts that'd plaugued him. She left his finger in the warm wetness of her mouth even after the blood'd been cleaned away, tasting the flesh of his hand with her tongue. Samael was far from disturbed by thoughts of incest, but perhaps far to the contrary. Perfection ran in their blood, even when tainted by less than satisfactory bloodlines, like those of wolves. Even he carried trace amounts of wolf blood, though it was so minimal it was hardly disconcerting. And Kaena, his mother he'd wanted and desired and lusted for like no other. Rachias removed his finger from her mouth, leading it along down her chin and throat to rest just above the collarbone. Smile crawled across his lips, imagining his claws sinking into her flesh there, crushing the delicate bones and wrapping hands around her slender neck to choke away the breath in her lungs.
xxxxxShe pushed his hand against her neck with her own, moving forward as she slid her other arm around his own neck and shoulder. Coming into an embrace, she drew his hand down her side to her lower back as she leaned against him, placing her head against his chest. Using the hand that was already behind her, he pulled Rachias closer, her warm breath brushing across his chest when she spoke. "Of course," he replied, claws gently running up and down across the flesh of her back. "There's noone else like my little sister, is there?" He knew the power a woman could hold over a man, using his primal instincts against him with her body and blurring the lines between lust and love — he'd been afflicted by affections for his mother for too long to be unable to deny that. But he'd become hollow and empty, no longer allowing anyone to get past his desire to use others simply for what he saw was their purpose: fulfilling his instinctual pleasures. Kaena was different. Kaena he could love. She was more than a tool, she was his Queen.

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