ever so sweet

Ooh, I love Mati's new avatar!

"Two mothers?" Silas asked, wondering if he had understood her words right. He had never heard of such a thing before, but perhaps her siblings were from different litters. That could explain things. But then, what of a father? There was no mention there, but Silas did not press. He wouldn’t be the one to dig into things that were better kept in the dark. "I ‘ave ‘eard of Cours. I meet volf from zhere. He vas very nice; not Haven zhough." Silas readjusted his posture, curling his legs underneath him into a pretzel and resting his palms in his lap. "Zhey don’t vant to live ‘ere? I zhink eet ees very nice ‘ere." He motioned towards Rabbit Lake, which was picturesque in itself; not to mention the striking, pleasant souls that lived here as well.

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