Rainy day women #12&35

The wolf frowned slightly, his tail giving a limp wag behind him. "Yeah; trust me--anyone who tells you to meet up in Inferni is not your friend." Although the bronze hybrid liked to think those in the clan knew him well enough for his name to have some heft, it didn't occur to him to risk it or take a chance. Only one exception had come up in the past--with the African Wild Dog--and even she'd been given explicit instructions to call for him upon her arrival. If anyone else found her first, he was hoping curiosity (and the fact that she was clearly not a wolf) would be enough to keep whomever at bay. In general, Kaena and Gabriel were relatively level-headed; Hezekiah and Razekiel he wouldn't worry about either. It always came back to the same two clowns: Hybrid and Samael. Only a handful he was really unsure about--if he'd known what Halo had done to Addison, his judgement there would be sealed as well. Anselm had no patience for trespassers, but he at least gave them a chance to explain or get out before attacking.

"For as long as they harbour a demon in their upper ranks, they will be a threat to us. It seems whatever tension between us and the Valley has dissipated, at least." The last thing they'd ever need was to be attacked on two fronts. He only had a shaky comprehension of the drama with their southern neighbours in the first place, but it seemed safe to conclude the severity of the situation was dwarfed by anything Dahlia might have thrown at them already. Geneva had wanted peace and he had no reason not to believe her--he rather liked the monochromatic, green-eyed she-wolf. Although he was tempted to resent her for seeing through his ruse, he was more tempted to respect her for also recognising that he was not trying to stir something up. (He'd been sloppy, anyway.)

His ears pricked forward and his head inclined slightly at her question--to him, the suggestion was so preposterous it caused him to bust out with a throaty giggle while shaking his head. "Oh, no. Not even close. That powder lifts you up, but then it brings you back down hard.. and then you want more. With this, it's gentler, calmer. It wears off gradually, leaving you with a brighter outlook and less tension than before." A shrug. "Even alcohol is more a devil than this. Too much booze turns your stomach and gives you a splitting headache as a parting gift, with the weed, too much just makes you drowsy. Guess it can make you temporarily lazy, too, but the effects wear off within a couple hours if it's smoked."

Despite his obvious bias favouring this particular drug, it would be tough to deem it unfounded. For all the substances he'd tampered with throughout his life, this was the only one that did not make him wary or feel like a different person. It really was the perfect drug; others would have a hard time convincing him otherwise. Even if the smoke got harsh, it could always be cooked with meat. "Would you like me to show you?" he wondered. Perhaps if she saw how little he changed under the influence, she would not be so hesitant.

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