dust the apple off, savor each bite.
xxxxxSmile lingered at Gabriel's response before fading back into a usual mask of indifference as he continued. "Ooh?", he replied at this new information, otherwise giving no reaction. "Well, congratulations then, brother, on bringing more of us into the world." His lip curled in amusement. So Gabriel had made children, continuing their line. He wondered if it was with that mate of his, or through some twist of fate, another.
xxxxxWhile Samael would sooner eat than raise any children he happened to create, it wasn't the hardest thing to imagine himself with offspring, and even with a queen at his side. Though whether he desired such a thing was another matter entirely. He'd willingly continue the Lykoi's legacy, breaking forth more of their blood into the world, but never willingly chain himself to another soul with ties of love and intimacy.
xxxxxHe'd grow too bored, far too quickly.

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