You're wasting all my time
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I will get you titled if he likes this rank Big Grin idea.

From what he said, Ember believed that he might make a good Tsisdu Kanati...the lowest tier of their hunter ranks. A bow like his would definitely come in use when it came to hunting, for sure! She was interested in learning more about the bow now that she was near the end of mastering her axe, and was always up for a challenge. The bow looked really intriguing. "We do have a rank for hunters, if that's the path that ya seek. The Tsisdu Kanati rank. The prey I have hunted 'round these parts tastes okay, but I would be interested in knowin' how to make it taste better if there are ways, too."

She wondered whether he would be interested in teaching her things about the bow, but kept her mouth shut for the time being. Ember wanted him to think about this before he replied, to decide if such a rank was suited to him. Then she would be able to accept him, and could begin showing him sleeping-places.


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