torn inside

:3 300+

A few hours passed before Dahlia’s alpha made his way towards the Chance woman’s den. His daily patrol had brought him close to her home earlier this same day and his sensitive nostrils had caught the unmistakable scent straight away. He was disgusted by the mere thought of what had been in progress. Foolish female, so fucking foolish. The psychopathic male blamed the female for her pregnancy. There were ways to prevent life from blooming in the womb, surely. He did not want his blood to roam the lands once again. Conor and Emwe were such disastrous failures. Nothing could remove the man’s disgust with puppies. His own were no better than anyone else. Despite all of this he was here now and he slowly made sure to make a lot of noise to announce his arrival. He remembered too well how awful Firefly had been at the birthing scene when he had arrived, and who knew what would await him now. ”Tokyo, it’s me.” he announced soothingly as he slowly entered her home, not bothering about waiting for any approval or disapproval. Blackmailing Tokyo was an easy and pleasurable thing -- except for this boring result here, that was.

Death hinted his nostrils, so incredibly faint because it was entirely fresh. The male did not let it shine though that it soothed his frustration to know that at least some of them were dead. Ah, yes. Three limb forms were lying cold against the cool wall. Blue eyes investigated the forms with interest, though behind the casual curiosity there was hunger. Most wolves would certainly recoil with disgust if they got a glimpse of the male’s sudden desire. Instead, Haku turned to the mother and her two children. Technically the two small forms were their children, but Tokyo would probably have to deal with this on her own. Ears flickered as he listened to the slowly dying girl. ”Is it a male?” It should be obvious that he was talking about the child that seemed to embrace life and not death like its siblings. Perhaps the best solution would have been to rip them away from their mother’s warmth and devour their flesh at once, but something stopped him. The suckling child’s size was good for its age and despite its current condition it would one day strengthen Dahlia de Mai in numbers.

Table credit: Sie(Kaena)

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