like a [p]rayer

A soul was not a definite thing. Maybe he had one, maybe not. Maybe he had two. Who could tell if he couldn't? And what was the difference between a heart and a soul? There was always that heavy weight in his chest and at the bottom of his throat, the words that would not come and the feelings that would not go. Tonight, his head weighed too much and the thoughts were settling all in the same place. He turned briefly to the woman addressing him, but his red eyes never lingered long. I'm fine, he told her, a bold-faced lie as any other. She didn't know him and never would. A stranger in passing, that was all, just like everyone else.

It's a beautiful night, he added, as he continued his slow walk. Everything's fine. His voice was empty though and she would be able to tell, but why would anyone care enough to pry the words from him?


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