Rainy day women #12&35
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... icycle.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:200px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#231308; text-align:justify; font-family:trebuchet ms; font-size:12px; color:#FFFB85; line-height:16px">
-squeak!- giant post is giant. i didn't know i could still do these any more. XD;
        Anselm couldn't help but grind his teeth together slightly at her confession. His eyes darkened and his lip twitched viciously as his hackles raised--she hadn't seen him like this before. "Who?" he pressed, the short word poison on his tongue. Lined up already were the usual suspects; so help him god if it was Samael. The tattooed man already had a short fuse with the spindly coyote after learning of what transgressed during the war. Hybrid. Far from surprised, he considered the demented man damn lucky Savina was a patient and level-headed woman. Anselm had every intention of a frank discussion with Gabriel; the Caelum was technically powerless, but that didn't mean he held no sway.
        "I think Gabriel will be less than thrilled to hear that ass clown is being so short-sighted." The words were expelled in an aggravated huff, and for once the subject of Haku would make him relatively calmer. It was one thing to rage against external forces beyond his control--having to deal with the domestic sickness that plagued their clan was enough to turn his stomach. "On the surface Hybrid might not be much different than Haku, but that shit-head wolf is more dangerous because he holds authority over the pack. He's also not above turning on his own mate," he said, knowing the latter first hand as a fact. "Went so far as to keep her from her own children." It was disgusting.
        "So you've never heard how the whole Dahila war got started then, I take it?" It was more rhetorical, and he continued quickly. "Haku's sister trespasses on our land. Not sure if you've ever been anywhere near it, but the borders are pretty hard to miss. She gets attacked by one of our coyotes, causing her to miscarriage. Haku marches on over and ripped this poor woman to shreds. He didn't just kill her; he mutilated her. Guts everywhere. He hung her puppy up, too. They had nothing to do with anything. He scattered these stupid little flowers everywhere, too--I swear just to mock us."
        To him this was old news, but time had done little to ease the level of disgust he felt for Dahlia's Lilium. "I lament that those were not the only innocents to fall; when Gabe and I stumbled upon that mess, we flew over there. There were two males, one holding those same flowers, I..." he trailed off, frowning. At the time it had seemed right, and who knew? Those able-bodied wolves may have pulled the sway in Dahlia's favour during that one final battle. "Anyway, he took Gabriel's daughter as a hostage. She was only a year old. Then he lead a march against us on our own land; we claimed our own hostage, but I did my best to make sure she was well fed, watered.. had stuff to do, y'know?"
        A sigh. "Eventually we had an exchange and a cease-fire was called. I don't think that the alpha wanted anything to do with it; it was all Haku. I even have a couple of friends from Dahlia, eh? It's not them, it's just him." Anselm was positive that the vile man had a crime record miles long--he didn't think that turning on one's own mate and the slaughter of innocents was an isolated thing. In the future he would come to learn more of Haku's dastardly deeds, though he scarcely thought that he needed more evidence to back up his point. To him it was clear as day. The others could rip on Inferni all they wanted--yes, they harboured sickos like Hybrid and Samael--but at least they were kept as subordinates, answerable to their own dumb choices.
        By the end of this sordid tale, he supposed he needed a hit just as much as she did. It was maddening that they couldn't just go over and rip Haku off of his broken throne of blood and bone. Why anyone pledged loyalty to him was stupefying--Anselm would sail away from Inferni and never look back the day a madman was put in charge. Though nobody in his family was the epitome of stability, at least they were not allowed to turn on their own without lethal repercussions. Needless to say, when she consented to his little plan to "open her mind" to the drug, he didn't need to be told twice. He promptly took a pinch of the dried material and stuffed it into a large bowl piece.
        Fishing a lighter out from a cushion of the couch, he struck the flame and waved it around the right half of the bowl. Even by his standards the hit was huge, and as he tossed the lighter aside and removed his finger from the carb so he could inhale quickly, it was all he could do to keep from lapsing into a violent coughing fit. He held it in like a champ, though--he didn't want to scare her off. He slowly exhaled a long stream of smoke, blowing it up and off to the side. The scent alone was calming, and the magnitude of the rapid dose was enough to ensure that the effects were instantaneous. Towards the end he grew overzealous, causing him to cough slightly under his breath. A quick sip from a nearby water bottle (usually reserved for filling the bong) was enough to alleviate the burn in his throat.
        He sunk backwards into the couch, eyes closing briefly. By the time he opened them again, any tension was gone. He waved his hand in casual dismissal of her concerns. "Hey, who would I tell anyway?" he asked lightly. "I don't make a habit of discussing others' personal lives with random folks." For the first time in what seemed like hours, a grin. Anselm thrived on gossip, perhaps, but where it did not concern politics or his own desires, he couldn't be pressed to care. Smoking was so natural to him anyway and he hardly viewed this as some scandalous act; he was just hanging out with a friend.

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