[Leader pls] All these asphyxiated, self-medicated

He is no insane!

The response had come quicker than expected. The welcome wagon had arrived and knew him...? Jah, it would seem so. Or at least knew of him. Had his Cotl been weaving those webs again? Not that he exactly minded. He actually got along mighty well with his brother even if it might not show at times. There had been gruff words between them on occasions but never had actual heart been put in them. So either Cotl had been talking or this handsome gent was staring, rather impolitely if I may say so, between his legs. Ah ha, that tattoo on his thigh had always warranted explanation. It was what happened when you passed out while Cotl decided he wanted to draw. His bruder was the reason that he was so decorated.

The skull was place back atop its spike as attention was turned to the golden Adonis. "Both, though Cotl won't give me the more. I've told him time and again if he would just close his eyes he wouldn't be able to tell the difference." The words were spoken without a hint of hesitation at all. He didn't even try to hide the implied flirting either. Not that Marik was ashamed. Unlike his prude of a brother he was unbiased. He got his attention from wherever he could. And well he was being a good boy and staying on his side of the fence and keeping hands off. It was difficult but he was managing.

And then he was saved by a mounted presence. Or maybe it could be seen as interrupted should the response have been a receptive one. But either way he returned his brother's embrace, even if his own could be seen as almost unbrotherly. His hands had dipped lower than a blood relative's should, very nearly cupping the slightly taller and slightly older male's rear. It was done purposely. Done for show. Done because he knew Cotl wouldn't like it and it would rile him up a bit. Marik had no shame at all. Besides, it was his way of getting Cotl back for making him seem forever incestuous.

"Gut to meet you Anselm." He grinned and winked. And then just to ice the cake he let his bi-colored eyes slowly caress the body of the newly met male in an appraising way. Marik wasn't shy, though he was hoping to embarrass his brother a bit. It was just how they were. How they got along. Marik continued to try to spite Cotl but it was always done in a good natured fashion. With Cotl's question he held up the slip of paper that had been clutched in his hand the entire time. His brother should recognize it since he left it. "That was a long trip and you should make it up to me, bruder." With the words he gave Cotl a look that implied more than it should.

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