[Leader pls] All these asphyxiated, self-medicated

Awkward makes it interesting though. And he is so normal. He didn't make out with the skull, only talked to it.

Actually if Cotl hadn't showed up then Marik would have probably flirted and hinted a little more and if not getting a favorable response he would have been on his merry little way again. He understood what no meant, most of the time. But what was wrong with talking? Not everyone opened up to the idea on the first mentioning. Some took a little convincing. But that mostly came when Marik was desperate. He was generally happy enough to let others know that he was interested and if they weren't then so be it. He wouldn't pressure even if it might come up in conversation time and time again. Like how he continued to reference Cotl even though he knew nothing would ever come of it. It was just what made Marik who he was.

Anselm had no worries. Marik wasn't a threat. All of Marik's scars were love marks. Besides, he was turning his back to the packlands rather than trying to infiltrate. The only one to be harmed would be Marik, the outsider, as he walked straight into the sea. His mood shift didn't allow him to strike out against others. At least nothing more than a mix of stinging words before he walked away. Yep, the boy walked away from fights. Though the fights generally happened only with his brother and not so much with anyone else. It would seem that Cotl was the only one that could get under his skin. But then again Cotl was the only one that could soothe him, that knew the right words and touches to use.

He paid no mind to Anselm leaving. It didn't matter to him. Even his brother's words didn't hit the mark at first. Even the sappy speech didn't have him stopping at first. True it wasn't in his brother to randomly blurt out something like that. But more like he couldn't have imagined his brother ever having any good times at all back in Germany. His sibling had been disowned by practically the entire family. Only Marik had been the one to slip out to continue to see him, not that Marik had been letting anyone know that was where he had been going. If he told he would have been kept from going. So it wasn't shame but the desire to spend time with his brother that kept it a secret.

The touch to his arm had him stilling rather than proceeding into the sea but it didn't remove the tenseness from his body. "A swastika." The request came without hesitation. So what if others viewed it badly? It was actually a sign of well being. He knew his brother would understand that. Which was why he wanted it. His body finally relaxed as the arms wrapped around his waist and held him close. "I'll stay." He promised quietly and placed a hand lightly on top of the arms that clutched to him. There was no hint of teasing and toying in the touch but simply the reassurance that he wouldn't leave his brother all alone.

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