i'm a puppy for your love
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If she just could have had an idea of the fragile heart she was unknowingly holding in her light cream coated hands. He wanted it to find a home there, but Alexey did not wish the keep it. Perhaps she wanted her freedom, perhaps she wanted someone else. Perhaps it was simply and undeniably wrong and she could see sense while he could not. Love gave wings, it was said, but love also made you blind. He knew very well that he was stumbling pathetically around in darkness, but there was no fear in his system, only an aching, burning sensation of the warmth he felt for the lovely woman in front of him. Age and status could not matter even if he tried to make it. Nothing could ever matter because she was the most beautiful and kindest creature on this earth. The boy knew this for certainty. How could he not wish for her? Then again, why could he not have settled with the limited love they had shared in the past? Certainly he was nowhere good enough for her and should do with the crumbles he had lived on until now. Why had he been so foolish and ruined it all? Why?

As his pain echoed mercilessly through his hollow insides the woman spoke, but her words only served to intensify the burning ache. For a moment he was close to hating her, but that disgusting emotion fled quickly. Love and hate were not opposites; they were part of that same thing. Indifference was worse and he could not ever find indifference for Alexey Koios of Dahlia de Mai. No, whatever strings tied them together were vibrating with strong, true emotions. Oh, how he wanted to be her everything, but her words were deceiving at the same time. Had he known the emotions burning within the woman he would have understood and felt security and bliss with a strength currently unknown to him. Unfortunately he was merely a young soul without the ability to look into another creature’s heart. He only felt the pain of rejection and the added pain when she seemed to tell him that she somehow loved him after all. His mind wanted to seek the sensible explanations, but despite his efforts to calm it down it wanted to believe that this meant that there still was hope for them. He needed to extinguish that hope.

He wanted to leave her behind and create burning distance between them. Eventually the fire would fade and make it liveable for them to look into each others’ eyes without the boy dying from the heat of his passion. He did not want to go home, yet he felt his face dip up and down with slight desperation. Yes, of course he would come home with her. How could he agree to such a thing when he knew that the pain would continue to eat away at him – never to reside in strength? He would have to find a solution to all of this, but now he could only revel at the well-known softness and scent of her beautiful winter coat. Haku Soul and his new reign were far from his mind because Alexey was the only person worth thinking off. In the later evenings a fear would start to inhabit his chest, an undeniable desire to protect the woman from whatever harm possible. Haku was a madman and no one knew this better than the son that had suffered by his hands. Haku would never be allowed to touch Alexey. Never.


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