torn inside

SSWM 742

The male was motionless like the grim gargoyle on its tower as he watched the two small children and waited for Tokyo’s reply. He felt the forbidden saliva of desire build up between the cracks of his teeth, hidden behind his tightly shut lips. There seemed to be a strange merriness inhabiting the woman now. Of course, she was unworthy like the rest and seemed to have a rain cloud hovering overhead from the loss of the three, soon to be four young, yet there was a mother’s love sneaking into her beautiful face. He had not worried too much when he had discovered her pregnancy. The woman’s history with her former litter had settled his irritation with ease because he had not expected them to be allowed to live. He had forced himself on her and she had been foolish enough to allow life to bloom within. Surely she should have known what to do once the time came for them to be born. She had failed him, and it was plain to see that she did not know this.

No. The woman actually seemed proud of her accomplishment. Although he had wanted the litter dead from the start, he found contentment in his blackened soul as he watched the healthy child suckle away. A large and healthy male that he this time would attempt to twist into his own will. He had failed with his former flesh and blood; failed to see the opportunities rise. Haku Soul needed soldiers and followers and he had failed to think of forming his own children and bend and break them into following his will. Perhaps it was still time to force his maturing sons to follow him. Now, with this child before him, he had all the time in the world to turn the child’s heart into a true black that would fit his demonic father’s wishes. Although he cared little for this, the male pretended to be pleased and even nodded as the woman revealed the newborn child’s name. Haku was the only king and this child of hers would only be an insignificant puppet that was to be sacrificed in war.

The foolish woman used the word ‘we’ as she spoke, as if they were a couple; two parents with their child. She failed to understand that Haku could not participate in such a thing. Surely he could pretend to be some kind of sire, but his interest in this child was for cruel purposes only. The puppy’s blood meant very little, for he cared nothing of his own spawn. He participated in the act of sex because he found pleasure and domination in it, but whatever this resulted in aside from this was fully the women’s problem and responsibility. His burning orbs moved to the dying girl. He knew very well what he wanted for her. ”You’ve done very well, Tokyo, our son is perfect” his voice gently rumbled, offering false pride to join into his voice to fool the woman into believing that he actually cared. ”The girl however, she is in pain.” now a touch of what would seem like genuine worry and pain would enter his words, for he wanted to take her away. ”If you want me to I can take her away and end her suffering. It will be quick and painless – for the best.”

He was certain that he would buy his words. It was clear that the little pathetic bundle of flesh was suffering as she struggled with each trembling breath. Even the mother had to see this. ”I’ll take care of the bodies. You’ll go ahead and rest now, Tokyo.” Oh yes, she had been so good and had barely managed to keep them alive this time. What a worthless mother she was. ”I’ll take care of everything.” the male turned slightly and nudged one of the small, unmoving corpses. This was done gently, because she was never to know his true intentions. He looked at her now, waiting for approval to remove the dead and the dying. The Rosen did not want to force the woman as of yet, and hoped that she would make sense of his words and grant him permission to take them away. Surely it would make most sense for her because this would be her leader doing the cleaning up for her for free. Surely she could not decline such a fine offer.

Table credit: Sie(Kaena)

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