ever so sweet

Silas was stunned to see that Mati was just as surprised by the Cours de Miracles king’s affliction of having only one arm as he was. He smiled a bit at that, but pushed the image out of his head. For some reason it just made his stomach turn the wrong way. The only time he’d seen an animal without one of its limbs was in death. To be that way in life seemed horribly wrong. He didn’t want to picture it.

Her reply to his offer was simple, but just what he wanted to hear. Her soft voice echoed in his chest, "Okay." Now he didn’t really want to leave, as he had realized he enjoyed the young Church girl’s company. Plus, he couldn’t deny that he liked looking at the pretty lilac eyes of hers. But the sky overhead was beginning to grow darker and the shadows amongst them had begun to grow larger and deeper. The trek home would take quite a while, but Silas was confident he’d have plenty of things to keep himself busy. His interaction with Mati, albeit it short, would most likely replay over in the young Russian’s mind.

"Vell, I must go back. Eet is getting late." He slowly picked himself up from the sandy shores, glancing for a moment at their collaborative drawing and smiling to himself. He wondered how long it would remain there before the wind, a passing animal, or perhaps a stray wave from the lake would wash it away into nothingness. He offered her a hand, figuring she wouldn’t remain on the beach alone after he had gone. He could be wrong, of course, but it didn’t really cross his mind. "Eet been nice talking vith you. I hope I vill see you again soon."

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