Grave of the Sunflowers

OOC: why? Because Daisuke's an islander? 538 to sosuwrimo

Why are you

Are you listening?

"Well ain't that just awesome? the other male spoke, tracing the tattoo as a whole.

Daisuke giggled at the touch, it tickled through his fur that was still not as long as the rest of his

pelt. This Hanna did a rather great job. I do hope you tipped her. tipped? No, Daisuke

didn't tip her over. Daisuke cocked his head lightly, and turned back around to the male.
style="color:#6778b3"> I would never ever tip Hanna over! She's too awesome for me to do

something like that!
the male spoke to the other. Daisuke let his tail wag gently behind him

though, and his hand raised to touch his feline companion. He pet the feline for a good minute

before he placed his lips to the feline's neck and kissed it before looking back to Strel.
style="color:#6778b3"> If you want her to do something for you though, I'm sure she wouldn't

mind. She's from Aniwaya...
the male let the information pass his lips, knowing for sure

that Hanna wouldn't mind being talked about, especially if it was for art that she could commission

herself out for. If there was anything that shouldn't pass his lips, it was his adventures with the

coyote, Snake. His lips were more than likely sealed about his affairs with the boy.

You're so insane to even try swimming in that water in the fall. It's freezing! the other

male spoke. Daisuke giggled again. Noooo, you're crazy

for not swimming in fall! It's perfect temperature to swim!
he spoke, dancing slightly, as he

spoke to the other. Though...I guess I like the water almost all

times of the year because I kinda grew up around the ocean.
he spoke, running his hand

through his spikes before returning his hand to his side. Why, I have come for adventure.

Wherever my feet take me, I go.Or something like that.
the male spoke. Daisuke squealed

as the male mentioned this. So Strel and Daisuke weren't all that different. Daisuke cocked his

head for a brief moment though after the realization of him being in a pack dawned upon his

mind. Waitt...You're in a pack though. Wouldn't you get in trouble

if you wandered too much?
the male asked, truly curious. You see, the male was a pack

wolf for 10 months until he left the pack with his sister. During these Ten months, his father and

mother told him to stay close, and though he didn't always stay close, he was under the

impression that if the Alpha of a pack found out you were all over the place, that they would get

mad at you and maybe exile you or something to that degree. I got bored of shivering under

a blanket.
the male added. Daisuke looked up to the sky, and a flurrie landed on his nose.

He shook his head to get it off and then he looked to the other male and smiled again.

You got that right. I'd rather be having fun than sitting under a

blanket, miserable.
the male agreed. He then looked behind him to the big field that was

laid out before them. Hey Strelly...You wanna race? the male

asked, brow cocked and eyes on the other male.

Can you hear what I

am saying?

I am not here. I'm not listening. I'm in my head, and I'm spinning!


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