Rainy day women #12&35
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EPIC POST! SoSuWriMo 1,157

She could sense Anselm tense at the mention of there being a member of his clan that would attack her without a second thought and she almost wished she hadn’t said anything at all. What had happened between her and Hybrid was not something she was proud of. At the time it had seemed like the only thing to do, but looking back she had been damn lucky that she hadn’t been killed or started some massive conflict between Crimson Dreams and Inferni. It was true, something had needed to be done. The abduction of a high ranking wolf was no small matter, but she should have gone to the clan’s leader instead of setting out on the trail for revenge and blood.

It helped somewhat that her friend did not seem surprised at whom it was that would go after her. It seemed the coyote was as mad as she suspected. Still, she felt she needed to share the whole situation with him. It wasn’t that she was wanting to let Hybrid off the hook, not in the least, but she felt that she was somewhat to blame as well. “There’s more to it though Anselm. I’m not proud of this, but remember my anger problem? Well it manifested again…with Hybrid.” She bit her lip, hoping he wouldn’t get mad at her. “You see our Brigadier General had gone missing, Pilot Haddon. He showed back up, but he wasn’t the wolf I knew anymore. He had been held hostage by Hybrid and he had…done things to him.” Even recounting it now, almost a year later, made her sick. “I got him to tell me who had done it to him and I just lost it. I went out looking for him and when I found him, I blacked out. The next thing I remember was coming to in the middle of a forest bleeding and weak. Turns out my friend Apollo found us when we were fighting and distracted Hybrid so I could get away. If he hadn’t I don’t think I would have survived.”

Savina looked down at her hands, ashamed once again of her past actions. It had been a foolhardy thing to do and she had paid for it. After a few moments of strained silence she looked to Anselm. “It was a stupid thing to do, I know it. I just thought I should let you know the whole story. Hybrid’s a madman, but I’m not completely innocent in this either.” It was hard for her to tell him this because she didn’t want him to lose respect for her. Still, it was more important to be honest and open with him than to try and save face.

When he said the name Haku, referring to the demon he had mentioned before, a chill ran down her spine. Knowing that a male that was apparently so evil had been so close to her when she had been pregnant frightened her. True, he had been there on pack business, but this new revelation made her rethink the entire encounter in a different and scary light. The news about what he had done to his mate made a hot rage burn in her heart. “Firefly…she’s my sister-in-law. I’ve never actually met her but, the poor woman. What kind of monster separates a mother and child?” It was a rhetorical question as the answer was right there, but still it was unbelievable. No wonder Conor was the way he was.

The Dreamer shook her head. She knew very little detail about the war, only that there had been one and Cercelee had sought sanctuary in Twilight Vale’s borders while she recovered from an attack. As the whole gruesome story was laid out for her it took all she had to sit there and listen to it quietly and without her stomach rebelling against her. It was horrible. Horrors that she had never imagined taking place in the lands that she roamed and called home. It made her fear not only for the safety of her pack, but for the safety of those she called friends in Dahlia. Did they know of his deeds? And if they did, how could they follow him with good conscience? How could Cercelee allow him to lead as he did? It made no sense to her. No sense at all.

After a few moments she collected her thoughts. “I had no idea…that it was so bad. No idea what he was.” She swallowed. “Cercelee didn’t want anything to do with it. The majority of the war she was in Twilight Vale recovering from an attack. She told me she never wanted a war.” A shudder ran through her. “That frightens me…having someone like that so close to my lands. Not to mention the friends that I have that live there. Dear gods…” There were no words to explain what she was feeling right now. The utter disgust for what had happened mixed with the fear and apprehension that the same male was still in a position of power and located so close to her own pack. This knowledge was an awful burden, but she wouldn’t wish to stay ignorant. She needed to know if she were to protect the wolves that she was sworn to.

When things turned back to the little experiment she was considering on trying she could only watch with half-concentration, the previous topics of conversation swirling in her mind. Savina was still interested, it was just hard to focus on something that seemed so trivial compared to the things that the two friends had just been talking about. Emerald orbs watched as he stuffed herb into some contraption and then held a flame to it (she had never seen a lighter before and gave a surprised yip as the flame sprouted from seemingly nowhere). Then he inhaled it and held it in his lungs for a few long moments before he breathed smoke out like a dragon would breathe fire. It was quite the thing to watch and she knew she hadn’t caught it all to do it herself without assistance.

Anselm reclined back onto the couch and looked incredibly relaxed, but every trace of the male she knew was still there. Her grin turned sheepish as he said there was no one for him to even tell. Savina hadn’t though he would go around blabbing about it, but it was just something she had needed to say. “I know, it was just…something I needed to say.” He grinned, and all her apprehensions about trying this out seemed to vanish. He looked so happy and content and she wanted to feel that too. “Okay, so…how do I do this exactly? I watched you but I’m still a little confused.” The thing he was using to smoke with was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Not to mention she had just never smoked anything before period.


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