And If I Only Could

hope this isn't too rambly <333
SSWM - 682

The fey was younger, but as Anu let her eyes glance over her features she found that she was very much as mature as she was. She bore knowledge just as Anu did, and perhaps her own secrets just as Anu. It saddened her when she thought of the hidden things that she held, remembering the days where all she felt was written so plainly on her face. Now she was forced to tuck them away, cover them up with false strengths. Sadly she placed such a restriction on herself, to save those she came along or those she lived beside the pain that her problem would bring. Though she thankfully did not dwell on such thoughts as she watched the Dahlian accept the luggage that she carried. Her smile was kind, her eyes understanding and Anu did not feel guilty that she could not carry it all herself. Her paws fell in step with the Dahlians and responded with a smile,
“It’s a pleasure.” As it certainly was. Anu had yet to meet a Dahlian, other then Haku, that she did not like. But she found it hard to not let his horrible nature shadow the rest that belonged to the flower pack. It was such a horrible way of thinking, and yet Anu could not put the past behind her. It was a secret that she had to hide, and a truth that could not be written along the lines of her face. Tragic, was all she could feel towards the lives of those that lived among the monster. If Alexy had not asked the simple question that came next Anu might have hurriedly asked how she managed day in and day out beside the scarred brown beast.

Instead the soft toned female simply asked if what she had gathered was a gift. Blue eyes looked down at the bag she carried, and hastily shook her head.
“Oh no.” they were not gifts at all, though she supposed they could be considered a gift, yet that had not been her intention.
“A packmember, she was hurt.” Anu began to haphazardly explain the circumstance that she and Colibri were in, eyes fell shut and she shook her once again, Coli was more then just her packmate, and yet she was not her mate, not even her lover. A free hand rose and it scratched her temple as she attempted to find the rightful answer. “They are more of a necessity then a gift.” Anu spoke, giving an answer the woman’s question rather then a runoff story about how she and Colibri had to flee the Dahlian lands for their lives. Of course the tale hung there, and the questions would certainly arise and Anu was beginning to feel those false strengths fall to small dust like pieces.

“I’m caring for her, I had asked her to leave her pack. She was attacked because of it.” Anu spoke softly, watching the snowy trail that would lead them to the Dreaming border. She didn’t want to look at the woman, to see the wonderment and the curiosity. Though she had been able to speak the words till now, and it felt like a weight lifted off her shoulders. The thought of stealing a member away from Dahlia brought Anu more guilt then necessary, since the reasons had been life or death. Yet as she felt like she had told an entire hour long story of events that had changed her life there were still so many holes left to be filled.
“By Haku.” She ended, finally looking to the female who’s honey colored eyes were an odd source of peace for the Dreamer. There was kindness on the golden orbs and Anu sought that now, her own face lost to the soft frown and the soft unhappy lines around her eyes. Anu didn’t mean to leave the other in an astonished state, lost among the chopped and broken story that was her life. Still the tawny fragile female found nothing more to say, walking slowly in the silence that would no doubt ensue.


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