Ordinary Riches
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<3 you toooo! SoSuWriMo 646

     It was a loud night as winter howled outside the walls of the mansion that kept the Dreamers safe. At times the Commander had the urge to howl back at it. To let it know that she didn’t like it one bit and she would chase it away from their lands like an intruder if she had the ability to do so. But then she thought of the mythology that she and her son had created concerning the forces of rain, snow, and tides and she couldn’t help but smile. The ice dragon was simply doing her work, though she wished that they would do it a little more quietly. She had tossed and turned in the comfy bed with her mate but sleep would not come to her. Finally Savina had found it to be a lost cause and had wandered down to the library to occupy herself. Better to be doing something than driving herself mad trying to force sleep upon her mind.

     The sable wolfess had taken care to light a fire in the fireplace, the large room needing the warmth that it would provide, not to mention the light. She was becoming better at dealing with fire. She clearly remembered the night that she and Anu had gotten stuck out in the Trenches during a thunderstorm and the tawny female had made a fire for them and she had nearly jumped out of her skin. Part of her traditional upbringing had been to fear fire for all it brought was death and destruction. In the forests such a thing was true, but now she found the phenomenon to be a necessity, especially with the horrible cold that now lay over their lands.

     With the fireplace burning brightly she had begun to inspect books that she had not inspected yet. By accident she had come across a section of geography books and maps and had taken out an armful of them and splayed them across the largest table in the center of the room. Savina had pictures in her head about the layouts of the land, but one of the fascinating human innovations had been maps. Illustrations of the world from above. The first she had unfurled had been a map of the entire world and it had floored her. She had read the small labels and found her birthplace: Italy. Then she had located Nova Scotia and had looked at the immense distance between the two. She had known they had been a long way apart, but not quite the amount that she was faced with now. It was amazing! How had she survived such a journey? Her arrival here seemed all the more miraculous to her now.

     The fey certainly hadn’t expected anyone else to be up, and so when the door opened and another light caught her eye her head spun around to take in the slight form of her dear friend and right hand. A warm smile etched itself on her face as Anu approached, her tail waving lightly. “Good evening to you as well Anu. Couldn’t get to sleep either?” What force was keeping the two leaders awake this night? Could it be fate? Was there something that they needed to discuss? Or had the spirits simply brought her her friend to pass the time? Savina would be happy with any answer, for the Lt. General’s company was always welcome. She was glad she was no longer such a wreck as she had been at their last deep conversation.

     Glancing back down to the map she pointed a finger at the boot shaped peninsula she hailed from. “That is where I came from.” A finger from her other hand pointed out their current location. “And this is where we are. I had no idea it was so far.” Would the older femme be as shocked as she had?


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