just me and my thoughts, slipping far away (Andy)
WC: 527

Geneva did not linger over any thought in particular. Today, like most recent days, Jefferson and Naniko dominated her thoughts. She also spared a thought for Anu, and wondered how she must be doing. She had not heard anything from Crimson Dreams in a long time. Things had been quiet, and that was something that she was quite grateful for. Even so, she tried to imagine what Anu must be like today, what she must feel. She wondered if the blue-eyed woman had forgiven her, for the tangled web and all that they had been through. She had not seen the woman since spring, and it had been nearly a year at this point.

Their last encounter had not ended on a positive note. Anu had been on the brink of violence, anger seething from her core and brimming close to the surface. She hoped that Anu was well, and did not wish her any will. She wanted to talk to her, but could not think of the first thing she would say. She would probably apologize again, but she was now at peace with herself. She did not feel like she would go to pieces if things did not end on a positive note.

There was a knock at the door, and Geneva rose to her knees before getting on to her feet. She left her bottle on its side on the floor; she would come back to it later. Her lime green eyes were alight with curiosity. Most pack members did not knock on the door of the ranch. The ranch was slightly larger than any normal cabin, and it housed both herself and Jefferson. Despite the fact that the leaders of the Valley pack were mated pair, they both maintained separate living spaces in general. It was not something that bothered Geneva; it just made their time together that much more special. They were both so busy anyway, and saw each other every day to begin with, for the most part.

"Andy, hi!," Geneva said with a smile, enthusiastic about her visitor. She had been wondering about the wolfess recently. She had not scene much of her since she had joined a few weeks ago. Hers was a welcome face around here. "Come in out of the cold," Geneva said, gesturing the woman in returning to her spot on the floor in front of the dying fire.

"Tell me how you have been!" Geneva said, steepling her fingers and resting her elbows on the floor as she laid on her stomach. Geneva was completely at ease. She was not one to stand on formalities, for the most part. She was certainly a leader, but she was a relaxed one and she wanted her pack mate to feel at home as well. She gestured to the bottle lying nearby on the floor. "I was about to have a drink," she said, wondering if Andrea was familiar with human alcohol. "Have you ever had...Jameson before?" she asked, checking the name on the label. "This is interesting stuff," she said, shrugging as she recalled the first time she had partaken in drinking this sort of libation.


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