a guilty mind needs to confess
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/rikka_table.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:330px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
SoSuWriMo 259

   The odds were against her, she knew. Madness didn’t lay on simply one side of her family but both. Still, such worries did not bother her. She was not carefree anymore though. In the commune there had been nothing to worry about. Everything had been cool and chill. She didn’t think she’d ever heard anyone ever raise their voice except in song or the throes of love. Inferni was a different world. It always had been and she had known that things wouldn’t have changed upon her return. Still, she worried if she would be able to handle it. If she were, she would need at least semi-strong family connections to make it. Rikka was hoping that she could have that with Gabriel.

   It made her heart jump to see his face brighten as it did at her compliment. It had been a very long time since she had faced such apprehension in a conversation with someone. She really did feel like a kid again. He had started when they were still young? Though she shouldn’t be too surprised. Gabriel had kept to himself. “I didn’t know, that’s neat.” It really was, to her anyway. Reaching down into her pack she carefully removed the tambourine with the lavish sunflower painted on its hide. “A lot of people did art in the commune, where I was before I came back. Well, one of the places I was. One of them painted this for me.” She offered it to him to inspect, knowing he would treat it with all due care.


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