octane twisted - leader needed

Even though Silas was in Optime, Hybrid’s rugged Secui frame had the young boy pinned to the ground. He tried making swings at the Hydra to disorient him or even knock him off balance enough to pull away, but the beast remained atop Silas’ chest despite the efforts. It wasn’t until another voice sounded that Silas was aware that they were no longer alone. Either his call had been heard and answered, or another scumbag such as Hybrid has stumbled upon them. He could only hope it wasn’t the latter.

As the Hydra moved away, Silas was quick to pull himself to his feet. His gaze was locked on the snarling Hybrid as he spit his hot words towards the Centurion. A foul taste crept into his mouth as he listened to the obscenities Hybrid felt the need to share. When he had finally finished speaking, Silas finally dared to let his gaze drift to their new company. Even though she was nowhere near as irate as Hybrid was, Kaena’s appearance was just as menacing, if not more. "He say I trespass," Silas informed her, as he stole another glance in Hybrid’s direction. The mongrel was baring his teeth in irritation and Silas could only help but to sneer back at him. "Yet I come here to join." Though the wounds on Silas’ face were fresh and bleeding, it was his chest that felt as if it had sustained more. The pressure of Hybrid’s weight bearing down on him had left the Russians ribs throbbing. He wasn’t sure how just yet, but Silas swore he’d someday find a way to get back at that bastard Hydra.

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