just me and my thoughts, slipping far away (Andy)

WC: 355

The door opened, and warm air hit her, contrasting with the cold night. She smiled as Geneva greeted her, glad that she wasn’t busy. ”Geneva.” Her smile grew as she stepped inside, grateful to get out of the cold. She rubbed her hands together, warming them up with the friction. ”Thank you.”

Andy sank to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest. ”I’ve been well. Still meeting new faces everyday, and trying to secure a permanent home.” She laughed. She paused, taking in the room. It was very cozy and put together, and most of all, it was warm. Andy hugged her knees, resting her chin on them as she spoke. ”I have never had human alcohol.” Her voice held nothing but interested curiosity. Her family had lived in the forest, away from any humans or their way of life. Despite their chosen lifestyle, Andy was well educated on the ways that some of the Luperci lived; like the Valley pack. Her parents had been sure to teach them many things.

”So how have you been?" she asked, stretching out her legs slowly. Outside, she could hear the wind picking up, and wondered if this was the making of a blizzard. She did not fancy having to go outside at the end of the evening. Shrugging mentally, she relaxed completely, laying on her belly on the floor. ”Where is Jefferson this fine evening?” she asked. It was well known to her that she and the gruff alpha were mates. Andy was surprised he wasn’t here with her.

She rolled onto her back, folding her arms across her belly and lacing her fingers together. She was very warm and comfortable right now. She could easily fall asleep in this warm place. But the thought of trying the alcohol was too exciting. She had wanted to for quite a while, finding it intriguing, how the humans could come up with these things.

The dying fire, though small, was still giving off a comfortable heat. Andy was grateful for the warm heat source, and she scooted closer, loving the feel of it as it warmed her fur.


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