What's this? What's this? There's magic in the air

a bit crappy; ilu! will post better when I'm more awake! <33 wc: 429

There was only so much a girl could do! Addison had tried her best to make him like her, had tried all her best moves. She'd never stolen from him and had been pretty friendly to him every time they'd seen each other. So why hadn't he accepted what she'd been offering? Was she ugly or something? The female pulled a small, stolen mirror out of her pocket, flipping it open so she could take a look at herself. Yep. She had guessed right--she was ugly! She snapped it shut again, shoving it back into that pocket. After Hemming hadn't responded she had taken off for the city to find something to take her mind off of everything.

The chestnut-colored female had found a bar, first, one of the ones that she often visited when she was in the city. Not the same one that she'd met up with Daisuke in, but one that had looked eerily similar. Maybe all the bars in this city looked the same...who knew. In any case, she'd found herself a nice bottle of rum and had taken to the streets once more.

How she'd ended up in the library of the university, though, she wasn't quite sure. She had gone into the elevator and had waited for it to take her up, like she'd seen in books, but it hadn't done that. It hadn't done anything. So she had taken to the stairs, instead. She could trust stairs! Soon after that she'd found herself in this place. Addi wasn't really sure what to make of it, this library. It was nothing like the other library that she had visited when she was younger. All these books looked so...scientific. They were really thick! She walked up a few different aisles, taking drinks from her bottle as she scanned the shelves with one blue and one yellow eye. The yearling was interested in these titles...would there be any books on dating like she'd found in the last library?

She needed one that would really work, a dating book that would tell her how to get Hemming for herself. She pulled one off the shelf that looked promising, flipping through a few of the pages. No! This was the same book that had told her to just go for it with him! She growled and threw the book on the floor. Screw this library! She poured a bit of the alcohol onto the horrible book and lit one of her matches, tossing it down onto the dating guide. Burn! All the books could burn!


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