Somewhere we live inside
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The children’s mock-hunt had come to an end, and now all that was left for them was to savor their victory. His silly antics brought him back to his own childhood when he filled all of his spare time with little adventures and games to enjoy with his sisters. When he played little games like this with the pups, he almost felt like he as a pup again himself. He could think of nothing better than spending time with Naniko and the little ones like this. Their children would only be this young for so long, and they had to cherish every moment with them. Ehno especially wanted to spend as much time with the children right now, as his impending return to Crimson Dreams would put so much distance between them. He would have to miss out on some their younger days, but he was determined to make the most of the time he did have with them.

Amidst the giggles of his daughters, Ehno heard a soft whining and he realized that Naniko and Harlowe had come from where they watched the little hunt moments before. Ehno turned over to face his son, a smile on his features to show he was alright. Harlowe provided quite a contrast to his rambunctious sisters, already seeming to prefer quietly observing rather than becoming too hands-on with anything. Eventually the boy would have to try his hand at little practice games such as this, but Ehno knew he would grow into it in time. He gave the boy a playful nudge with his muzzle before giving him a reassuring lick. “Hey, don’t you worry, champ. Papa’s just fine. I’m made of tough stuff,” he said with a grin.

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