love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden
I forgot what I was doing halfway through this post, so it’s a little weird and short. XD;; 311

So much had happened in his absence, he was almost overwhelmed with the news. It was as if their lives all stepped onto some crazy path filled with the most difficult and trying obstacles they could face. Bitterly, Ehno thought about how unfair all of these sudden dilemmas were. He once thought that fate was always on their side, guiding the kind Marino family to a peaceful and happy life. But all of these sudden happenings were too much to take, too painful to continue to face. He supposed that fate hadn’t completely abandoned them; if it had, they surely would not have been so fortunate in the end. They simply had to look past all of the recent hardships to see the good on the other side. The thought gave him hope that perhaps everything would begin to calm down for them now.

Ehno sat back in shock when Savina finally revealed the name of their new niece and nephew. “Jazper?” he repeated the name with a high tone of surprise. He certainly hadn’t expected Savina to name the giant warrior as the father to Ghita’s children, though he couldn’t say that he had any idea of who to expect. He hadn’t been aware that his timber-hued sibling had been seeing anyone within the pack, let alone Jazper. "Ciò è abbastanza una sorpresa…" He shook his head, stating the obvious for lack of anything else to say. Words seemed to escape him now in the wake of all this news. "E sono dei compagni? Neanche ho realizzato che vedevano l'un l'altro." Either Ehno had been too worried about his own predicament to notice what was right in front of him (though he couldn’t really fault himself for that) or there was something more going on here. He sincerely hoped that their recent troubles went no further than they already had.

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