When it rains
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SSWM 735

Happiness was displayed on her features as he spoke now. While she had wanted to brush away the thought at first, his optimism and confidence about the tattoo he thought would suit her so well. While she was still uncertain and afraid to disenchant her body’s beauty by adding too much to it, there couldn’t be anything bad about showing interest, surely. All she had said yes to was to see his design on a piece of paper. Who knew, perhaps she would actually end up liking it. She looked at the male, all piercings and with his fresh and currently not too good looking skull tattoo. She knew that Kaena’s hand was stable and strong when she tattooed and when with time and healing and cleansing his skull would be lovely – though it was a design she would never in the world have wanted on her body, not would she have liked it to be right on the stomach. Perhaps it fitted him though. She cocked her head slightly and let a few fingers play absently with her dark copper hair as she watched him. He looked quite like the tough guy and his accent was hard with German when he spoke – and not to forget to mention the horrific words and phrases that boomed strongly in the middle of random sentences. It had happened once or twice now that the profanities spoken out loud had tempted out a smile on her lips, for some of them were a bit funny.

As for something to trade? Well.. Eyes widened ever so slightly and for a moment she seemed threatened by his large form. A trade? Then her eyes lighted up like two ruby flares against the dark night sky. Of course she had a trade. Her fingers dispatched from her silky hair and patted the bone necklace she was wearing – it still needed a second tooth to become complete in her own opinion, but all spare space was filled up with bones from a canine’s tail – carefully polished and made into approximately same size, so unless he was her he would only see a well done necklace that held good quality. Halo spent uncountable hours making her accessories, because she always strived for perfection. She could have dyed them and come up with exciting colours, but she preferred her work to look somewhat natural. When the necklace had been in the spotlight long enough her hand lifter higher to stroke the little fragment skull that she had turned into a smart hair ornament. It helped keep her wealthy hair out from her eyes and it did not look bad at all. Finally her free hand rose and she showed off the bracelet, which too was made out of bones. Her skill was not limited to bones, but this was what she preferred working with. She had a large variety of trinkets upstairs in her room that she had made out of the skeletons of some of her deceased killer rodents.

”I make jewellery. I quite like working with bones and parts of animal skeletons, but I can do everything.” Well, perhaps not everything, but as long as she had what was needed to create something beautiful the results usually were beautiful. She felt a bit uncertain though, because she knew that not all males fancied such things. It was one of the few skills she had except for the rodent training and some fighting skills. She wished she could have more to offer. His random question was served as she stood there wondering about her skills and her eyes stared emptily at the man for a moment before she found sense in his words. She never understood why someone would ride a horse instead of eating it. The thought was exciting in a sense, but those who rode horses and refused to run on their own feet would find that their strength faded with time. She was intrigued though, this she could not deny. ”No, I’ve barely ever seen a horse in my life,” the girl said with a small portion of shyness as the side dish. She had seen his horse every now and then when she had gazed out of the window, but she had not seen it up close. Never thought of asking either, but this was their first meeting after all, so it was obvious why she had not asked.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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