antisocial anarchist dyslexic so-and-so /j.
SSWM 164

The emotions of the other male were beyond Damien's perception, but had he noticed them they probably wouldn't have changed his mood in the least. He was most likely going to grow up with the emotional availability of a common walnut: whether this would be to his advantage or disadvantage was not yet determined. Connor spoke, reminding the child of his presence, and Damien stared up at him, considering what he offered. He was pretty hungry, now that he thought about it. And who could turn down free food and warmth? 'Okay, he said, and only then registers the second part of that statement. Another puppy, like him, eh? He blinks, and then disregards that statement, the prospect of another his age neither pleasing nor displeasing enough for him to dedicate energy to think about. 'Okay,' he repeated, fixing his electric green gaze on the paws of the older, golden boy, to follow him wherever he was being lead.

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