Magic in december (m)


For my dear meggles. I love RPing with you and this will be set for Xmas. A lot to do in this thread. Deck the halls


Ayita had been alone out here in her winter wonder land. Her mind was clear and her spirits high. She had taken the time to come out here and be away from the pups and Leroy. She wanted to move out and spend time being happy. She looked at the little scrap of beads and cloth rope like materials she had found. She went to turn around as she heard vigilante.

"Alright Vigilante, anything for you." She was going to question the cuts and blood but she figured she would wait a moment. She stood there in the sweater dress she had found it went to mid thigh so that was fine. the rich cobalt blues and light brown strips brought out her eyes. She had always been good at picking clothes to bad this wasn't a good time to show off those talents.

She blinked and then leaped off her perch, landing with great ease and grace though it wasn't a far jump she strode over to him. "Just please join me inside and at least let me clean you up. I will listen to every word you have to say just please I can't bare to see you so banged up you can talk whilst I clean." She said as she lightly touched his arm trying to urge him to the house. She wasn't sure if he'd go but worry, concern and compassion were emotions that had flooded her and anyone who knew her would be able to tell that she was worried about him. "Please."


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