In search of materials

Word Count: 578 - SoSuWriMo

Ty stated the obvious and Dawali joined in on his chuckle. True, it was a pain in the ass. Although Dawali had never heard the expression before, he didn't have to think hard to understand what it meant, and it was rude enough to amuse him. Chuckling a second time, he replied with a grin. "Yeah, a pain in the ass." The words felt alien on his tongue, yet strangely fitting for the subject. Though, for the prey he hunted with them the arrows were a literal pain in the ass, and that thought only made him chuckle again. A moment of silence passed, and Ty stated the obvious again, throwing Dawali's vocal chords into another chuckle. He gave it a moment's thought before he replied, not really certain why he preferred looking for them instead of making them. "Yeah but it just feels less boring when you're moving around, I suppose. Sitting down hitting one rock with another gets old pretty quickly." Half a smile shot at Ty and the Chief directed his gaze downwards again, found another suitable stone and picked it up. It was quickly put in one of his belt bags to be made into an arrow later.

The other male seemed to like his idea, and the Kalona grinned at him as he reached for his belt pouch. In it he kept all sorts of things, among them sinew and thin rope. "Sure!"One could never know when a little piece of something like that could prove useful. Holding the rock and sinew in his hand he looked at the ground around himself for a suitable stick, but found none. Though, there were many unsuitable ones, and he picked up one of those instead. "Now, you wouldn't want to use this kind of stick, really, because this one is crooked and also quite rotten and thus heavy. What you want is a dry, light, straight stick, but I can't see one so I'll show you on this one." His fingers quickly fastened the sinew around the rock so that it held it from four directions, forming a cross on either flat side of it, and with two long bits to spare, one on each side. Getting his crude and home-made knife from his belt, he put it to the one end of the stick and carved out a piece of it to fit the arrowhead in. "So I fasten the thread to the head, and then I can either carve a hole in the stick to fit it in, or just tie it on as it is. I prefer making space for it, as it gives a more stable arrow." An arrow with the head simply lashed on would often pull in a certain direction. It was quite handy to have arrows that flew straight. "Then I simply lash it on, like so..." His fingers moved slowly as he fastened the rock to the stick, first with the sinew around the rock itself, and then with an additional piece of string, tied across the other lashes to keep them in place and strengthen them. "It's useful to tie more than you think you need; after all, you want the arrowhead to be able to survive and actually damage the prey, instead of just falling off." He gave a chuckle at that point, and now looked up to study the other male. "I can untie it if you want to give it a shot?"


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