just me and my thoughts, slipping far away (Andy)
WC: 525

Andrea mentioned several creatures that Geneva was familiar with. The ends of her mouth lifted in a smile as she mentioned some of those that she held close to her heart. In particular, she was glad to hear that Naniko, Ty, and Rio had met Andrea. Naniko had recently gone through a very difficult time, and it seemed that her white pelted friend was finally coming out of on the other side, hopefully to a place where she could be happier this time. Ty was always so friendly and congenial, and he seemed to be everywhere at once. It did not surprise the Savant at all that Andrea had already made his acquaintance; Ty always seemed to show up at the right time. He was a reliable part of the pack, someone whom Geneva had come to thoroughly depend upon.

Geneva herself had been a bit of a recluse when she had first arrived in Nova Scotia. That had almost been a lifetime ago, it seemed. She felt like she was different person entirely at this point. When she had arrived in these lands, she had been beyond the point of despair. She had lost everything, and yet she had rebuilt her life from the ground up. The Savant had gone from not having a hope to having so much to fight for, to live for. She did not know who she should thank for this transformation; she had done so much growing herself. Still, there were so many creatures she had met her first few months here who had had an undeniable impact on her growth and healing processes.

Andrea seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, and so Geneva left her alone to walk within her mind for a few moments. She understood the importance and the privacy necessary for doing such things. And the Savant was just as content to sit in the quiet between them; it was not uncomfortable. To fill the time, Geneva took the first sip of the Jameson. Her face screwed up a little as the flavor of the liquid overwhelmed her taste buds. It was not necessarily unpleasant, but unexpected. She was trying to formulate an opinion of the flavor while she tipped back another drink, this time filling her mouth with the strange burning liquid.

As the amber liquid burned its way down her throat, she decided that she did enjoy it. Setting the bottle aside, she pushed it closer where Andrea was sitting. She was welcome to try it if she wanted to. Taking a closer look at the girl sitting next to her, Geneva blinked once and refocused her eyes. "You know," she said softly. "You remind me of someone I used to know." The Savant smiled a bit sadly as the memory resurfaced, and she compared their images. It was almost strange, how she had not seen it before. But Andrea looked very much like someone who she had known, and loved, before. So strange in fact - it had been with that woman of her memories that she had first experienced human alcohol. The world worked it such strange, mysterious ways.


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