Winter song
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Here is a link if you want to see the chords of the melody she plays. I don't want to describe every single one xD Here is also a youtube video of one version. Word Count: 408 - SoSuWriMo

His fingers moved to the correct positions as she instructed him, one by one finding its goal. He struck it several times, corrected himself when the upper string was included once, and Mew smiled. He was catching on quite quickly! The tones releasted from the strings formed a sound which was not as melancholy as the first one, and Mew found herself smiling, her tail giving a wag. Keeleigh poked her nose forward to study the male and her mum's guitar better; she'd never been that interested when Mew had played it, but everything was exciting with strangers. She nodded as he repeated the chord name as if to himself, and elaborated. Music theory had been strange to her the first years, but after a long time of practice it came naturally to her now. "Yep, D-major. And there are a total of 13 chords, both of which have a minor and major variation. So there's a D-minor chord, too, a sad version of this one." In fact, there were many more chords than that, too... but going into detail on an early stage would surely only confuse him. He asked for more though, and more he would get.

"Well I suppose half the fun is to sing along when playing the guitar. Here, I'll teach you a simple lullaby I found in a children's book. It's in another language, I don't know which. Here, let me show you slowly, and you can see if you see the pattern." Taking the guitar back, she formed a clear Am chord so as to show it to him, struck it, and sung slowly. The melody was small, flowing, repetitive and her voice was clear and in a high pitch. She sung this melody often to her small ones, and now Keeleigh watched her curiously: Mew didn't usually sing it outside of bedtime. Bored with her mother and the stranger now, the young one stepped over to play with her siblings again whilst the white femme continued to sing. Once finished, she showed him the chords one by one, naming them. "A-minor, D-minor, G-major, E-Major. That's all you need to know to sing this one. Wanna try?" One could throw in the odd E-major with a seventh on top of it, but for now he didn't need to know that, and she kept it simple. Smiling, she handed him the guitar again. "I can sing it if you're not comfortable with singing."


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