with intimate strangers

590 words.

even in the darkness every color can be found

####Now that she was standing outside of her dreadful mother's den, Princess honestly did not know what she was going to do. Going to Mati's room in her state of newfound anger had been easy; there had already been a bad bond between the two girls, so yelling at her had not been difficult. The worst part was that she had realized how wrong she was in blaming Mati, and she had allowed the Church girl to see her cry. The bond with her mother, however, was different. There was no viable hatred between the two--as far as she knew, Tokyo might still love her. As far as she knew, the truth had stayed hidden within Cercelee and herself, and her mother might be overjoyed to see her finally come back to her.

####The cold tone of her mother's voice shocked her, drawing the girl's golden eyes to meet her mother's, hardened to her presence in a way that surprised her. "I left you," she said simply, though the words were not the ones she had meant to speak. "I was never kicked out. I wanted to see the pack that you said was so horrible, and I ran into my brother there. And then, I asked Cercelee to help me leave you," she continued coldly. She had not known what she was going to say to her mother, but now it all seemed to be flowing naturally. She wanted to hurt her mother, cause her pain in retaliation for the pain she had caused both of her children, and the pain that she continued to cause them, even now. For everything that she had done to both of them--the physical pain and neglect for Ares, and the pain that seeing that caused Princess--Tokyo deserved to feel pain, and a great deal of it. Princess could never cause her mother physical pain; all she could do was rely on words to do it.

####"I've been living there happily ever since, Tokyo, and I haven't missed you at all, not even once." It wasn't even really a lie. There had been points where she thought of her mother, but she would not go so far as to say that she had been missing her. "I met a boy, and we had sex, just days after you tried telling me it was bad. And you know what? It wasn't. It was great, and I felt free of you," she added, attempting to glorify the first encounter she had had with Haven. There was more between them now than there had been at that time, but she did not know how to explain it to her mother. Tokyo would probably mock her somehow, anyway.

####Thoughts finally turning back to the note that her brother had left for her, Princess narrowed her eyes at her mother. "But because of you. . . My brother left. He left because he's still afraid of you, and I hate you for that. He left me without even saying good-bye. It's your fault that everything is going wrong!" she growled, frustrated. Finally, her eyes strayed over her mother's form, taking in the frazzled appearance and the strange garments, settlig on her swollen stomach. "You're. . . pregnant?" she whispered incredulously. Her eyes widened at the thought, her mouth falling open slightly at the thought. Tokyo was pregnant? At the very least, Princess could throw something at her regarding that. "You look horrible," she said, her tone nonchalant. Her mother was so vain that it was bound to affect her in some way.

Table by Miyu!

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